Respect Yourself | Help Others | Make a Difference | Be a Leader!
It Works!
During school programs | After school programs | Summer Camps & Private Lessons | Public, Private, Alternative, & Charter Schools
Data Metrics
Fitness | Confidence | School Effort | Social Skills | Behavior Choices
Respect Yourself | Help Others | Make a Difference | Be a Leader!
It Works!
During school programs | After school programs | Summer Camps & Private Lessons | Public, Private, Alternative, & Charter Schools
Data Metrics
Fitness | Confidence | School Effort | Social Skills | Behavior Choices
Respect Yourself | Help Others | Make a Difference | Be a Leader!
It Works!
During school programs | After school programs | Summer Camps & Private Lessons | Public, Private, Alternative, & Charter Schools
Data Metrics
Fitness | Confidence | School Effort | Social Skills | Behavior Choices

Welcome to FACE4Kids®

Even children who are not old enough to understand the consequences of their actions can suffer from them. Fitness and Character Education [FACE] motivates elementary school children to build fitness, self esteem and character before it’s too late.

Since its inception in 2004, the FACE core program and General Assemblies have reached and influenced more than 25,000 students building self confidence, nurturing broken spirits, growing moral character and instilling a non-defeatist attitude. With a focus on fitness, to help reduce obesity, the FACE program combines hand-eye coordination, physical fitness, public speaking and character education to build self esteem, respect and confidence.
Helping today's youth become tomorrow's successful leaders.

Online Training

FACE4Kids has rolled out the FACE program through an online workout available to all students in the various elementary school enrollment options: In-school option, Distance learning opportunity, and Virtual Instruction. FACE4Kids is offered both onsite and virtual.

Learn More

Partnered with AGE3 LLC

Support FACE4Kids

As we continue to move through life and time, Fitness and Character Education, Inc. mission remains the same - motivating elementary youth to build fitness, self esteem and character before it is too late. If anything, the need to reach at risk youth is even greater considering the unstable and challenging climate.

FACE4Kids has created an online virtual workout and providing the majority of classes in an open room or cafeteria environment, while adhering to CDC guidelines for social distancing . Funding is needed to continue our mission, so please consider a donation.
Let's help each other keep our bodies and spirits strong!

Fitness And Character Education, Inc. [FACE] was created to share youth leadership principles and fitness in the elementary school environment. This dynamic program instills confidence, personal growth and a positive attitude for all participants. The individual sessions are an “Edu-Taining” approach to respecting one’s self while incorporating fitness skills too.

Whether it be during school, after school, camps, or private, public, alternative, and montessori schools… the focus is the same – Helping today’s youth become tomorrow’s successful leaders.

  • combine confidence, growth and positive attitude, leaving an imprint that lasts a lifetime
  • motivate kids to get fit, get positive, get ahead
  • utilize a proven combination of incentives, physical activity, and communication skills
  • connect with children in familiar surroundings — in school and community settings
  • offer kids an alternative to risky and destructive behaviors and helps them understand why they should make the right choice
  • offer positive role models and reduces peer pressure by making good choices the cool thing to do
  • cultivate self esteem, self confidence and self control
  • help today’s youth become tomorrow’s leaders

All kids want to earn something. Like the martial arts, students reach new levels of skill coordination and are “promoted” to different levels after completing the entire FACE session [the minimum session is 8 classes]. They “graduate” by learning all the lessons that are taught during the sessions and even perform some of their skills [both physical skills and public speaking skills] at a “graduation.” Each FACE session earns the child a different colored T-shirt and an award certificate that denotes their accomplishments. This encourages the child to want to earn the next level of colored shirt and accomplish even more.

By instilling a sense of accomplishment in the child, and requiring a certain amount of attendance at the weekly sessions, we help the child set goals and achieve them and ultimately foster life skills that are invaluable in the child’s life.

The FACE Program is unique in that it not only increases physical fitness but also addresses and builds areas of the child’s character, self esteem and confidence. Fitness training is essential, but character building is priceless and can leave an imprint that lasts a lifetime. With most students, they not only meet their own expectations but excel way beyond them!

FACE4Kids® benefits from strategic partnerships that allow the 8-week program to be offered FREE during the school day throughout the year, where principals and teachers recognize the positive impact in the lives of their students. Often these students come from communities that suffer from extreme poverty, high crime rates, high unemployment and fractured homes.
Goals of FACE4Kids®
  • To target elementary aged children and positively enhance their character, fitness level and leadership qualities
  • To manage aggression and disciplinary problems effectively (with exercise, mental stimulation and accomplishment)
  • To build a “community” one leader at a time by teaching confidence, self esteem and respect
  • To nurture a student’s ability to achieve academically by growing areas of the child’s character and confidence
  • To help today’s youth become tomorrow’s successful leaders by introducing positive social interaction
Values of FACE4Kids®
  • Increased self-esteem. As students reach new levels of skill coordination and complete exercises in character building, such as public speaking, they are “Promoted” with different color t-shirts, certificates and awards denoting their accomplishments. This is reinforced through praise and reflection upon how much they have accomplished, with focus on being a leader.
  • Increased self-confidence. This is exemplified both inside the classroom where students are less afraid to participate in learning activities and outside the classroom where students interact more positively with others.
  • Aggression Management. Students prone to disciplinary problems find physical and emotional outlets through exercise, mental stimulation and accomplishment.
Benefits of FACE4Kids®
  • Respect and courteousness
  • Public speaking & eye contact
  • General friendliness
  • Openness to making new friends
  • Understanding the importance of education and homework
  • Developing & understanding physical fitness

Explore FACE4Kids®

Enhancing character, fitness, and leadership in youth. Promoting a supportive community, managing aggression, and fostering academic success. Join us in shaping a brighter future!


Since its inception in 2004, the FACE core program and General Assemblies have reached and influenced more than 25,000 students building self confidence, nurturing broken spirits, growing moral character and instilling a non-defeatist attitude. This unique program combines Martial arts, jump rope, juggling, agility training and public speaking. FACE4kids motivates elementary youth to build fitness, self-esteem, and character before it’s too late.

FACE4Kids® starting 2023-2024 school year.
FACE4Kids® Instructor online training
The children of today are the leaders of tomorrow!
FACE4Kids® starting 2023-2024 school year.
FACE4Kids® Instructor online training
The children of today are the leaders of tomorrow!
FACE4Kids® starting 2023-2024 school year.
FACE4Kids® Instructor online training
The children of today are the leaders of tomorrow!

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©Copyright 2010 - 2025© by Fitness And Character Education, Inc.