Expansion of Fitness And Character Education program

FACE Expansion

We have embarked upon a journey to partner with schools and like-minded organizations that have a desire to change a community by bringing character, fitness and leadership skills to our youth. We have spent decades working with our youth, years creating the FACE Program and rolled out the Teach-the-Teacher [schools] and Train-the-Trainer [organizations] training in 2015.

We are excited that, with your help, the FACE program will soon be in dozens of locations across the country and begin changing thousands of lives in the coming years as we FACE the FUTURE. We hope that you will join us on this journey to change lives by bringing the FACE Program to your school.

Below you will find information on becoming a FACE “Program School,” as well as an overview of the Table of Contents of the FACE [Teach the Teacher] Operations Manual, the Lunch Bunch follow-up session, and chapter snippet. You will see the great detail we take to ensure that our values are taught to every child in every program in every city across the country - And we want your school to be one of them. An eight week program will be taught at your school along with the TtT training for those schools, along with pre-post survey Metrics to show that the program works!

After you have a chance to review the info, let’s setup a time to discuss via email or a phone call. I know your school and your students will greatly benefit from the FACE Program – now and for years to come. Thanks for your consideration.

Kirk Farber, Founder and Executive Director
Fitness And Character Education, Inc.

Instructor Training

FACE (Fitness and Character Education)

Through its core program and general assemblies, this physical activity-based character education program has reached more than 25,000 students. Designed to assist students who are in the process of developing confidence, leadership abilities, and pro-social skills, the 8-week program culminates in a graduation event in which parents, friends, and school personnel gather to celebrate participants’ growth.

A school counselor’s role may range from facilitating the implementation [i.e. selecting students, arranging time and location, etc.] to receiving training to implement the program him/herself. The program is run similar to a small counseling group and the basic movements can be easily demonstrated to students.

Prior experience is not necessary nor is an advanced level of fitness. Come to this training prepared to get an overview of the FACE program, the data that documents its effectiveness for stakeholders, and a chance to have fun participating in some of the FACE movement activities *juggling, jump rope, martial arts, animal games.
FACE training can be either Teach-the-Teacher [Schools]or Train-the-Trainer [Youth organizations]. If your school or organization is interested in training, please contact us as FACE is a proven youth leadership program.
*Registration is first priority to those counselors who currently are hosting a FACE session at their site or requesting one during the school year. Registration is thru the PowerSchools online system for DCPS employees, earning personal development credits for the training. Contact us for customized training for your organization or timeline.
Fitness and Character Education [FACE] combines hand-eye coordination, physical fitness, public speaking, and character education to build self-esteem, respect, and confidence.

The one-day Teach-the-Teacher training will give school counselors and others interested in implementing FACE at their school site an opportunity to learn the content and structure of the program.

Those attending will gain the knowledge and skills necessary to implement the Balance [martial arts], Coordination and Movement [animal games,] Jump Roping, and Juggling activities.

The character education and public speaking components will be covered and attendees will receive a training manual along with a follow-up with graduates Lunch Bunch small group manual with the school counselor .

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