Pre Survey Metric Details were completed by teachers on scoring 0-10, with two topics per category. The SUMMARY is the average score of students per school for the specific category. A POST survey will be completed after the graduation, and differences will be noted to analyze the change in the students behavior, attitude, confidence, etc.
Students also filled out their own survey with scoring values and writing their own responses to phrase ‘I want to improve in:” The focus is on the Teacher Metrics, as the numbers between PRE survey and POST survey can best represent the progression of student per his/her classroom teacher.
Teachers from FACE locations since 2015 were asked to rate students in categories along with open comments about the participant.
Sample comments come directly from the teachers, as following are both
pre and
Survey Teacher comments, 2-lines being about the same student before and after FACE session.
"A struggles with anger issues and his ability to control his behavior when he gets upset."
"A is beginning to accept teacher redirection. He has shown improvement in controlling his anger."
"V needs to take responsibility for his work and choices. He would benefit from learning to problem solve and gaining leadership skills."
"V is really working harder now to be successful. He really enjoyed the FACE program!"
"We are meeting with D's mother soon to discuss possible autism diagnosis. He is very quiet and previously home-schooled.
"We are SO proud of D, he's really starting to lead and participate in conversations."
"J needs to take more responsibility with his work and personal education."
"J wants to be successful. He has improved in his organizational skills and hands in assignments more frequently. He really enjoyed the program"
"N struggles to read and as a result masks his insecurity with humor."
"N is showing potential to be a classroom leader."
"C, seems very unsure of his abilities and has little confidence when working or speaking in class."
"I have seen a big difference in C's, 's class behaviors. He is raising his hand to answer questions in class - Thank You!"
"L has problems with outbursts and hitting, being hyperactive and could not focus."
"L has shown HUGE SUCCESS!"